Your Search Results for "mt"

We have found 4 results for 'mt'. If you are not satisfied with these results try searching again but with different search terms. Alternatively, you can contact us directly using the form below. We will respond within 24 hours.

MT-5 Single Phase Double...

Single Phase Double Barrel Industrial Dust Extractor

Double filtering, equipped with imported polyester fiber membrane filter buckets as standard. It is suitable for working conditions that...

MTS-70/MTS-80 Continuous Bag...

Continuous Bag Industrial Dust Collector

Continuous-use bag industrial dust collectors use a dual filtration system and a pre-cyclone separator to filter >98% of dust intake. They...

MT-3 Single Phase Continuous...

Single Phase Continuous Bag Industrial Vacuum Cleaner

The imported polyester fiber-coated filter bucket is equipped as standard, which is suitable for working conditions that require continuous...

MT-9 Three Phase Industrial...

Three Phase Industrial Vacuum Cleaner

The machine adopts high vacuum turbine motors, fully automatic jet pulse filter cleaning system. Can work 24 hours continuous and applies to...


Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us!

Suzhou Maxkpa Floor System Machine

Wenhe Road,
Loufeng Town,
Industrial Park,
Suzhou City,
Jiangsu Province,

Tel: +86-18963302825


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